WELCOME – whether you are a friend, a stranger, a neighbour, a person of faith, or just curious, you are very welcome to the North Staffordshire Methodist Circuit.
We have 9 active churches situated across the Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough. This area has historically had links with a number of industries but is best known for its links to coal mining and the neighbouring potteries. Many of our churches are located in former pit villages where communities have had to find new ways of identifying themselves following pit closures and the local Methodist churches have played a part in this rediscovery.
Along with our active churches we also have one building, in Baldwins Gate, where earlier this year the congregation made the decision to cease to meet. The Circuit is now exploring what new and creative ways might enable this building to be used within the community and so maintain a Methodist presence in the village.
In the current age we recognise that in order to fulfil our calling to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out our discipleship in worship and mission many of the things we have been used to doing and the ways in which we do them will have to change. What this may look like as we journey forward is yet to be discovered but we travel on in hope and with faith and trust in God.
Can we help?
Are you looking for your nearest Methodist Church? Do you want to book a room?
Are you wanting to be married, or would you like your child baptised?
Do you wish to speak with a minister?
Useful info
Prayers for today
Prayer is a cry in the dark,
a child's longing for home,
and a hollowed soul's seeking of fulfilment.
Prayer is a two-fingered salute
to the hopeless cynicism of endless false promises
and a bunting-waving celebration of love in action.
Prayer is a sacred space,
found in the midst of the unholiest of battlegrounds
and in the desolation of loss.
Prayer is a memory
of long lost conversations with wise elders
and an exuberance of youthful anticipation.
Prayer is a shared longing,
a whispered dream
and an open conversation.
Prayer is a revolutionary act
It is hope in despair
And a grace-filled weaving of love's intent.
May God bless us with the desire to pray, that we might better act,
God of all understanding,
the more I learn about your holy justice
the more I realise that even my prayers can be
riddled with sin.
In praying for other people
I have thought that I know best what they need.
I have taken the seat of judgement
and found others wanting.
I have not challenged the ground
of my own understanding,
allowing prejudice and stereotypes
to flourish unchecked.
Forgive me.
Help me to kneel before your throne of grace
with both confidence and humility.
Remind me to leave the judging and directing to you.
Enable me to pray for others
not by way of the gulfs that divide us
but via the love in which you hold us all in common,
revealed to us in Jesus. Amen.
c/o St Luke's Methodist Church, Severn Drive, Clayton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 4BH
01782 612648
Registered Charity no. 1130810